Acini Di Pepe Soup Recipe

Acini Di Pepe Soup Recipe

Acini di Pepe is a tiny pasta that looks like small breads.

I remember my grandma would cook this pasta in soup for me when I was sick. It was like magic! The pasta would soak up the yummy soup flavors and keep me warm.

This soup with Acini di Pepe isn’t just good for sick days; it’s also perfect for kids. They love the tiny pasta because it’s easy to eat and fun to look at.

This pasta is great in all kinds of soups and makes every spoonful delicious. You can find it easily on Amazon. Click here to get it. It’s a simple way to make a meal special, especially with a side like Albanian cornbread.

For a great cornbread recipe, you can visit here.

Next, I’ll share some of the most frequent questions about this soup. So stay tuned!

What are the Ingredients for Acini di Pepe?

To make Acini di Pepe soup, you need simple ingredients. First, you need Acini di Pepe pasta – those tiny, round pasta pieces.

Then, choose your broth; chicken or vegetable broth works great. Add some vegetables like carrots, celery, and maybe some onions for extra flavor.

Also, make sure to cook this soup in an instant pot soup button setting. I got myself the best instant pot on Amazon, and it was for sale at a great price.

If you like, you can add chicken or beef. Don’t forget some herbs like parsley or basil to make it taste fresh.

Salt and pepper are important too, to make sure your soup tastes just right. These ingredients make a tasty soup that’s perfect for everyone, especially on a chilly day or when you need something comforting.

How Much Acini di Pepe Should You Add to the Soup?

When making Acini di Pepe soup, the amount of pasta is important. You don’t want too much or too little. A good amount is about half a cup of Acini di Pepe for a large pot of soup.

This will give you enough pasta in each spoonful without overwhelming the soup. Remember, the pasta will grow a bit as it cooks in the broth.

So, half a cup is just right to make your soup full of those tiny, tasty pasta pieces that everyone loves. This is enough to make the soup hearty and delicious, just like a warm, comforting hug in a bowl.

How to Serve Acini di Pepe?

Serving Acini di Pepe soup is fun and easy. After cooking, serve it hot. It’s perfect with a piece of crusty bread on the side to dip into the soup.

You can also sprinkle some grated cheese on top for extra flavor – Parmesan works great. If you like, add a little black pepper or some fresh herbs to make it look pretty and taste even better.

This soup is great for family dinners or when you have friends over. It’s a simple, yummy meal that everyone, especially kids, will love.


Acini di Pepe soup is like a warm, tasty hug in a bowl. It’s great for cold days or when you’re not feeling well.

The soup has tiny pasta, and you can add chicken or veggies to make it even yummier. Serve it hot with some cheese on top and bread on the side.

It’s easy to make and perfect for everyone, especially kids. This soup is not just food; it’s a cozy, comforting meal that brings back happy memories.

Acini Di Pepe Soup Recipe

Acini di Pepe soup is a comforting, hearty dish perfect for any season. It features tiny Acini di Pepe pasta, vegetables, and optional meat in a flavorful broth. It's easy to make and loved by both kids and adults.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes


  • 1/2 cup Acini di Pepe pasta
  • 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup chopped vegetables like carrots and celery
  • Optional: 1/2 cup cooked chicken or beef
  • Herbs salt, and pepper to taste


  • In a large pot, bring the broth to a boil.
  • Add the Acini di Pepe pasta and chopped vegetables.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  • If using, add the cooked chicken or beef.
  • Season with herbs, salt, and pepper.
  • Cook for an additional 10 minutes.
  • Serve hot and enjoy!

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