Revani Recipe – Homemade Cake

Revani Recipe – Homemade Cake

Have you ever heard of Revani cake? Want to know how to make it?

If yes, you’re in the right place. Keep reading for easy tips on making this yummy recipe.

Revani cake is a sweet treat, but there’s more! If you like trying new recipes, you should check out this cool Albanian Cornbread recipe. It’s really easy to make and tastes great with lots of different foods.

Also, if you love sweets, don’t miss out on making Albanian Baklava. This dessert is super sweet and delicious.

You can find this recipe at Albanian Baklava recipe. It’s got layers of thin pastry, nuts, and sweet syrup – perfect for anyone who loves desserts.

So, whether you feel like baking a Revani cake, a tasty cornbread, or a sweet baklava, we’ve got all the recipes you need.

Next, I’ll share some of the most frequent questions about the Revani recipe. So stay tuned!

What Is The Origin Of Revani?

The origin of Revani is from the Ottoman Empire.

It is a sweet cake that has become popular in various countries that were once part of the empire, including Turkey, Greece, and the Middle East.

Each region has its unique variation of the recipe. The dessert’s name is thought to be derived from the Turkish word “ravani,” and is believed to have been named in honor of the Ottoman conquest of Yerevan in the 16th century.

Over time, Revani has evolved, featuring different ingredients and preparations in each region, such as semolina, yogurt, and flavored syrups in Turkey, and additions like almonds or coconut in Greek versions.

What is Revani?

Revani is a traditional dessert popular in Turkish, Greek, and Middle Eastern cuisines. It’s a sweet cake made from semolina or farina, which is soaked in syrup. Often, the syrup is flavored with orange or lemon to add a tangy zest.

Revani is known for its moist texture and is usually served with a dusting of powdered sugar, sometimes garnished with almonds or coconut shavings. The dessert is often enjoyed during festive occasions and family gatherings.

What Is Revani Made Of?

Revani is made of the following ingredients:

  1. Semolina or Farina: This is the key ingredient. Semolina is a coarse, purified wheat middling, and farina is a milled wheat product. They give Revani its characteristic texture.
  2. Sugar: Used both in the cake batter and for making the syrup.
  3. Eggs: They help in binding the ingredients together and add to the cake’s fluffiness.
  4. Yogurt or Milk: This adds moisture to the cake, ensuring it is soft and moist.
  5. Baking Powder: It’s used as a leavening agent to help the cake rise.
  6. Lemon or Orange Zest: Often added to the batter for a refreshing citrus flavor.
  7. Syrup: Typically made from water, and sugar, and often flavored with lemon juice, orange juice, or rose water. The syrup is poured over the cake after baking, allowing it to soak in and add sweetness and moisture.
  8. Optional Garnishes: These can include powdered sugar, grated coconut, sliced almonds, or pistachios, used

Can You Use Semolina Instead Of Polenta?

Yes, you can use semolina as a substitute for polenta, but there are some considerations to keep in mind due to differences in texture and flavor between the two:

  1. Texture: Semolina is finer and smoother compared to polenta, which is coarser. This difference in texture can affect the final dish, especially in recipes where the grainy texture of polenta is desired.
  2. Flavor: Semolina has a milder flavor compared to the more pronounced, somewhat earthy taste of polenta.
  3. Cooking Time: Polenta typically requires longer cooking time to become soft and creamy. Semolina cooks faster due to its finer texture.
  4. Absorption of Liquids: Semolina might absorb liquids differently than polenta, so you may need to adjust the amount of liquid in the recipe.
  5. End Use: In recipes where polenta is used for its firmness and ability to hold the shape (like in grilled or fried polenta dishes), semolina might not be the best substitute as it tends to be softer and less sturdy.

How Many Calories Are In Ravani?

The calorie content in Ravani, a sweet semolina cake soaked in syrup, can vary widely based on the recipe and portion size.

However, as a general guideline, a typical serving of Ravani can have a relatively high-calorie count due to ingredients like sugar, semolina, and syrup.

A standard slice (about 100 grams) might contain anywhere from 300 to 400 calories, but this is a rough estimate.

The actual calorie content can be higher or lower depending on factors such as the amount of sugar and syrup used, whether additional ingredients like nuts or coconut are included, and the size of the serving.

For a more accurate calorie count, it’s best to refer to the specific recipe used or check the nutritional information if it’s commercially prepared.

Remember, traditional desserts like Ravani are often enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Can You Eat Revani Cold Or Warm?

Revani can be enjoyed both cold and warm, and the choice largely depends on personal preference.

  1. Cold: When served cold, Revani’s texture can be a bit firmer and the syrup within it more settled. This makes it refreshing, especially in warmer weather or as a cool dessert following a hearty meal. To serve it cold, you can chill it in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.
  2. Warm: Serving Revani warm can enhance its aroma and make it slightly softer in texture. The syrup tends to be more fluid, which can give a different mouthfeel. To serve it warm, gently heat it in a microwave or oven. However, be cautious not to overheat it, as this can dry out the cake or make the syrup too runny.

It’s a matter of taste. Some people prefer the refreshing quality of cold Revani, especially in summer, while others enjoy the comforting warmth of a slightly heated piece.

You might want to try it both ways to see which you prefer!

How Can You Serve Revani?

Revani can be served in these delightful ways:

  1. With a Dusting of Powdered Sugar: Before serving, sprinkle some powdered sugar over the top for a sweet and elegant finish.
  2. Garnished with Nuts: Enhance the flavor and add texture by sprinkling chopped almonds, pistachios, or walnuts on top.
  3. Accompanied by Cream or Ice Cream: Serve Revani with a side of fresh whipped cream, clotted cream, or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a creamy contrast to the sweet syrup.
  4. Citrus Accents: Adding a garnish of grated lemon or orange zest, or even a few thin slices of citrus, can provide a refreshing zest that complements the sweetness.
  5. Served Warm or Cold: You can enjoy Revani either slightly warmed or chilled from the refrigerator. Warm Revani can be especially comforting, while chilled Revani is refreshing.
  6. With Fresh Fruits: Pair it with fresh fruits like berries, sliced peaches, or figs for a lighter, fruitier dessert experience.


In conclusion, Revani is a delicious and versatile dessert that comes from Turkish, Greek, and Middle Eastern cuisines.

It’s made with semolina or farina and soaked in a sweet syrup, often flavored with lemon or orange. You can enjoy Revani in many ways – either sprinkled with powdered sugar, garnished with nuts, served with cream or ice cream, or even paired with fresh fruits.

Whether you prefer it warm for a cozy treat or cold for a refreshing dessert, Revani is perfect for various occasions and can be enjoyed with different toppings and sides to suit everyone’s taste.

This makes Revani not just a tasty dessert but also a fun one to experiment with and enjoy in different styles!

Revani Cake Recipe

Revani is a delightful semolina cake soaked in sweet syrup, popular in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine. This recipe yields a moist and aromatic dessert, perfect for any occasion.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes


  • 1 cup semolina
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup desiccated coconut
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Syrup: 1.5 cups sugar 1.5 cups water, 1 slice of lemon


  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease a baking dish.
  • In a bowl, mix semolina, yogurt, sugar, coconut, vegetable oil, baking powder, vanilla extract, and lemon zest.
  • Pour the batter into the greased dish and bake for 35 minutes or until golden.
  • While baking, prepare the syrup: Combine sugar, water, and lemon slice in a saucepan. Simmer until it thickens.
  • Once the revani is baked, pour the hot syrup over it evenly.
  • Let it cool and absorb the syrup before serving. Enjoy your homemade revani!

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